Why choose edt?
- Free initial consultation and design service
- Expert advice from experienced edt Security specialists
- Professional installation from highly trained engineers
- 24 hour help desk support and emergency call out
- Comprehensive maintenance and warranty contracts

Welcome to edt Security Solutions
We Design, Install, Maintain and Upgrade Intruder alarm, CCTV and Access control systems in Domestic and Commercial premises across the North of England.
To make sure you get the right security system for your needs, and not a one size fits all package email us or call 01274 551520 now to arrange your FREE, NO OBLIGATION SECURITY SURVEY.
Our customers find us invaluable as we can install and carry out maintenance work out of hours, generally weekends, so as not to disrupt their work or business schedule.
We have been providing a personal service since 2005. Our success is built around an understanding of the local Fire and Police authorities in your area as well as being able to keep up to date with constantly changing legislation. When you couple this with our understanding and knowledge of the latest Security equipment, we can accommodate any requirements.